Windows Phone

    1. Download the phonegap plugin for Windows Phone from this link (Windows Phone 7 or above).
    2. Reference the PushipPlugin.dll library to the phonegap project.
    3. Add PushipPlugin.cs to the application root.
    4. Add the following line to config.xml to enable the plugin:
    5. Open App.xaml and add this namespace to the Application element:
    6. In the same file, replace the element shell:PhoneApplicationService with:
    7. Add the PushipNotification.js script to the assets/www folder and include it to the index.html file
    8. Add the following code to the OnDeviceReady method:
        Puship.PushipAppId = puship_id; // an example of puship_id might be: "h1mCVGaP9dtGnwG"
            successCallback: function (pushipresult){
                navigator.notification.alert("device registered with DeviceId:" + pushipresult.DeviceId);
            failCallback: function (pushipresult){
                navigator.notification.alert("error during registration: "+ JSON.stringify(pushipresult));
    9. Create a new application using the Puship Manager to get the Puship App ID and replace all the occurrences of “puship_id” with the actual one.

    It’s now possible to connect to the Puship Manager and start sending push notification to your devices!

    Download a complete example using the link below to better understand the whole process



    Adding tags, geolocations management and all the other api are described in the guide common to all the platform that can be consulted at the following link: